
Family Practice
Health care services provided in our clinic
We provide a broad spectrum of health services in our clinic, which include and re not limited to the following services listed below:
- Family practice.
- Annual Physical Exam
- Driver’s Medical under the age of 74
- Women’s health
- IUD insertion and removal
- Prenatal Care
- Weight management
- Dietitian consults
- Psychological counselling
- INR management
- Occupational Health
- WCB (Workers’ Compensation Board) assessments
- Skin biopsies
- Prescription Services
- Prescription Refills
- Injections
- Wart Treatment with liquid nitrogen

In order for your primary care physician to develop a comprehensive working knowledge of your medical history, it is very important to have an effective patient-doctor relationship . When your doctor understands your specific needs, it is easier to develop a care plan that will work for you. We strongly believe that the patient should be actively involved in their own care. By following the recommended procedures, taking the prescribed medication consistently in a timely manner, following a healthy diet and life style, doing necessary exercise, following proper hygiene and doing the necessary diagnostic tests and followups as needed. Then the patients are more likely to succeed and reach their health management goals.
- Medical Exams with a valid Alberta health care card.
- Office visits without a valid Alberta health care card.
- Driver’s Medical under the age of 74
- Attending Physician’s Statement.
- Medical-Legal report completion.
- Insurance form Completion.
- Blue Cross Special Authorization form completion.
- Disability and Benefit form completion.
- Disabled Adult Transit Service form completion.
- AISH Form Completion (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped).
- Canada Revenue Agency Disability form completion.
- Canada Pension Plan for completion.
- Pre-employment assessments and exams
- Employment Insurance forms completion.
- Pregnancy Leave Form completion.
- Treatment of non-planter warts.
- Hepatitis Vaccinations.
- Transfer of medical records.

Wellness Support
Our team will support you in building a healthier you. No matter what your health needs are, having a team support you will keep you on the path to meeting them. We work together to connect you with the services you need.